Feature Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Having read through some really interesting articles on the KHUS + KHUS Blog I realised that our skin has an amazing way of telling us what’s going on inside our body; if you feel happiness and love, your skin is radiant and glowing, reflecting those feelings, however, negative emotions cause dull, lifeless skin.
I was really excited about trying out some of the KHUS + KHUS clean skincare range, as my skin has been suffering badly from pollution whilst living in Vietnam and dehydration and sensitivity issues due to the central heating over winter once I returned to the UK. My skin was telling me I needed some self-love and KHUS + KHUS are a brand that promote self-care and healing, which is exactly what my skin needs right now, and as my aim is embrace a life that is nontoxic and free from chemicals, it fits well with my skincare regime.
I already love this brand for reminding me that I should be looking after my skin and remembering to breathe!!
“In regards to oxygen intake, breathing is a major key to overall health and your consciousness. Most people don’t inhale deeply while breathing, which creates underactive lungs. This can cause many skin problems, from pale and puffy skin, to pimples on your cheeks. There are so many breathing techniques out there that have amazing benefits for your health, which translates to your skin. ….
It’s insane how much the simple tasks of breathing and the emotions you are feeling can dictate your health”.
KHUS + KHUS is a clean skincare brand that defines itself as a modern herbal fusion. The brand has a simple concept believing that plants support the body + mind in healing, and therefore their products deliver ancient Ayurvedic phyto-medicine practices within contemporary skincare.

Founder of KHUS + KHUS, Kristi Blustein believes in plants and their ability to support growth, healing, and expansion of consciousness, therefore KHUS + KHUS use nothing but 100% botanical ingredients, which means nothing harmful.
“We formulate to assist the body in calming the nervous system and enhancing the skin. This also assists in the regulation of the immune system. We believe plants heal, that is healthy plants heal. Phyto-Medicine is the future of health and skincare.
Your skin is the manifestation of what is going on internally in your body + mind”.
Kristi Blustein Founder of khus + Khus
Kristi knows what she is talking about – she practices and studies yoga, ayurvedic, and plant medicine and has spent 5 years and over 2,900 hours studying to become an Ayurvedic Specialist and Ayurvedic Health Practitioner. Kristi started her Ayurvedic training at the Alandi Ashram in Boulder, Colorado, and completed her training at the California College of Ayurveda.
Her other credentials include Aromatherapist, Herbalist, and Certified Yoga Teacher; She studied at the American Institute of Vedic Science which was founded by the renowned David Frawley and has extensive aromatherapy training with master herbalist and aromatherapist, David Crow of Foracopeia.
so, What is an Ayurveda?
“Ayur Veda” was originally practiced in India more than 3,000 years ago and is a traditional system of medicine now practiced throughout the world that incorporates essential oils and therapeutic spices in its healing potions. Two important texts for Ayurveda were the Sushruta Samhita and the Caraka Samhita; influenced by both the Buddhist religion and Hindu philosophies, these texts were used for centuries to guide the practitioners of this art of healing.
Ayurveda translates from the Sanskrit as “the science of life and longevity” and is a holistic approach to maintaining health; it’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, spirit and environment and that everything in the universe – dead or alive – is connected.
If your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony with the universe, you have good health. When something disrupts this balance, you become sick.

The fundamental concept of Ayurveda is to promote and maintain good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems and an individual’s vulnerability.
Ayurvedic practitioners prescribe individualised treatments that combine herbs, massage, diet, and other natural systems in treating diseases, such as exercise, and lifestyle recommendations. Ayurvedic herbs are used to “cleanse” the body, boost defense against disease, and keep the mind, body, and spirit in balance; the action and effectiveness of each herb is determined by its ras (taste), virya (active potency), and vipak (post-digestive effect).
Because Ayurvedic herbal oils are so specific and personalised for an individual’s needs, it was virtually impossible to bring Kristi’s ayurvedic practices to the masses, therefore Kristi started looking for a way to share her vast knowledge of traditional herbalism and modernize it so that everyone can tap into the power of plant wisdom. She decided that the best way forward was to create a line of plant-based products formulated to help one move toward a more holistic lifestyle and balanced existence. She launched KHUS + KHUS in 2016, which takes the main principles of Ayurveda – especially the practice of oiling the body – and applies them to essential oils.
Classically prepared Ayurvedic oils are prepared with as many as 20 to 30 botanicals—it can take a month to make one of these oils. The oil transports the herbs through the skin layers to the body. But, also, the herbs act to help the digestion of the oil through the skin. These oils in their most concentrated, potent aromatic plant form are produced through steam distillation and are called “essential oils,” referring to their ethereal, volatile nature and the subtlest, most characteristic aspect of the plant.
“Botanicals play a powerful force in our existence. This is why we source our ingredients. What we are interested in is a vibration of healing, and that cannot come from plants cultivated in a harmful manner. This type of cultivation we believe imparts a counterintuitive response. We want to collect the life-force energy contained in botanicals and share their healing potential with you, and that requires healthy, ethically grown plants”.
Ayurveda classifies essential oils according to their effect on body temperature and how this affects the doshas, which are a way of categorising “body energies”. According to this classification, hot and warm essential oils are suitable for cold constitutions such as Vata and Kapha, while cold ones are suitable for Pitta.
What are the doshas?
According to Ayurveda, every living being on Earth is made up of five basic elements. These elements are:
- Space (associated with expansiveness)
- Air (associated with gaseousness, mobility, and lack of form)
- Fire (associated with transformation, heat, and fire)
- Water (associated with liquidity and instability)
- Earth (associated with solidity and stability)
Each dosha comprises two of the five basic elements, which each have specific qualities. Even at our conception, our constitution (Prakruti, Prakriti or mind-body type) is a combination of these five elements which are combined to form three doshas, which are called Vata, Kapha and Pitta – a unique set of physical, emotional, and mental tendencies, strengths, and vulnerabilities.
These three doshas are found in each of us, but in the way they were configured during our conception, one of the doshas is the main and leading one, responsible for all the physiological and psychological processes in a person.
Each dosha is associated with a specific bodily “build” or shape, and is linked to certain personality traits. Ayurveda also links each dosha with particular types of health problems. You can find out your Ayurvedic constitution or dosha type by taking this simple quiz from Banyan Botanicals.
These are the three dosha energies, identified according to the University of Maryland Medical Center:

Pitta energy is linked to fire, and is thought to control the digestive and endocrine systems. People with pitta energy are considered fiery in temperament, intelligent and fast-paced. When pitta energy is out of balance, ulcers, inflammation, digestive problems, anger, heartburn and arthritis can result.
Vata energy is associated with air and space, and is linked to bodily movement, including breathing and blood circulation. Vata energy is said to predominate in people who are lively, creative, original thinkers. When out-of-balance, vata types can endure joint pain, constipation, dry skin, anxiety and other ailments.
Kapha energy, linked to earth and water, is believed to control growth and strength, and is associated with the chest, torso and back. Kapha types are considered strong and solid in constitution, and generally calm in nature. But obesity, diabetes, sinus problems, insecurity and gallbladder issues can result when kapha energy is out of balance, according to Ayurvedic practitioners.
When the balance of the doshas is distorted this can lead to a number of health and emotional problems and aromatherapy is one of the most ancient and effective natural remedies for balancing the doshas. Each oil used in Ayurveda has special properties that help us relax, concentrate, restore strength, balance our emotional state and fight off various health issues.
this is Why I Love KHUS + KHUS
Before I knew anything about Ayurveda practices, I was super keen to try out KHUS + KHUS products because after I’d done a bit of research, I realised they were a super-clean brand that’s fully transparent with the product ingredients, all of which contain organic, sustainably wild-harvested botanicals, which are NON-GMO certified. Other ingredients include CO2 extracts and responsively sourced ingredients with no fillers or synthetics. Formulas are packaged in Protective Miron Violet Glass bottles to keep the ingredients fresh, and their craft oils are made from the highest quality plants available – what is there not to love!
My healing regime started with SEN Face Serum which contains amongst other ingredients endocannabinoid hemp extract, ruh khus and squalene. This oil is great for dry skin and also good for acne, inflammation, fine lines, pigmentation issues, and is highly restorative therefore ideal for activating balance.

The special ingredient in this unique formula is the combination of endocannabinoid hemp extract with highly regarded Ayurvedic and Western botanicals and resins for optimal skin nutrition.
“The endocannabinoid system which maintains the basal cell life cycle, containing 90% of the cells in the epidermis. Maintenance of the endocannabinoid is vital in regulating the life cycle of our cells and creating healthy skin full of vitality”.
When I first opened the bottle, the amazing smell was the first thing I noticed, it smelt utterly beautiful. The fragrance comes from the combination of wild harvested Nepal Rhododendron; Somalian Frankincense co2, reputed for its cell regenerative properties stimulating new cell growth, revitalizing skin, and creating a more youthful texture; wild French Lavender and Black Currant seed oil, which is highly anti-inflammatory and rich in Vitamin C.
The oil felt quite light and was easy to spread over my face and I only needed to use a small amount. It didn’t feel too heavy or greasy on my skin and seemed to soak in quickly. After two weeks of using this oil, I noticed a huge difference in my skin – it felt rehydrated and smooth, and I smelt and felt wonderful
RASA Restorative Potion
The second product I tried was the RASA Restorative Potion which is a luxury butter for the skin – it’s a thicker consistency than a cream and the smell – once again is delicious – like a lemon souffle for the skin!!

It contains Reishi Mushroom, also known as Shaman’s mushroom, spirit mushroom, and mushroom of divinity. The name Reishi translates to “Divine mushroom” and is a herb that calms the spirit and mind, enhancing our adaptive response to stressors.
It’s high in antioxidant protection making it effective in slowing the aging process, a potent anti-inflammatory, and high in beta-glucans which stimulate the activity of macrophages which ingest and demolish invading pathogens. Apparently, we share half of our DNA with mushrooms – I was fascinated to learn this!
This formula also combines the immense power of adaptogenic plants, which help the body resist stressors of all kinds, whether physical, chemical or biological, and well-known Ayurvedic and Western nervine herbs to produce an overall balancing effect on the nervous system and I really noticed a dramatic difference in my skin after I’d used it for only a week. It is described as a “gentle tonic for the nervous system”.

I had previously suffered from dry patches of skin and this potion completely hydrated the whole of my body and is perfect for day or night. One of the special ingredients in this luxury potion is Squalane, an amazing ingredient that was first used in the 1950s as an emollient, skin soother and softener and it helps the skin to look and feel young and elastic! I definitely feel that the KHUS + KHUS RASA Restorative Potion hydrates where I need hydration and would highly recommend it to anyone who feels their skin needs a regenerative, revitalizing lift for skin that’s dry, tired and lifeless.
Both the SEN face serum and the RASA restorative potion are available individually but also in the CBD Travel Companion set which is especially great while traveling and particularly good to inhale plant compounds instead of everything else on flights. Also included in the bag is COPIOUS body serum and SEN hydrolat a hydrating moisturizer perfect for day or night which can also be combined with face serums to assist in blending. This is a light, moisturiser that is smooth and smells delicious!
It contains a range of healing botanical ingredients designed to relieve stress, regenerate the skin at cellular level, and acts as a tonic assisting in the process of breaking down toxins and revitalizing tired, lifeless skin conditions. Its anti-aging antioxidant ingredients are also great for keeping the skin look young and fresh.

Have you tried KHUS + KHUS products? If not – now’s your chance! Remember to use my code to get one of the best deals around, as SUZSTAINABLE readers get 20% off with the code SUZSTAINABLE20